All our development work is documented and available as deliverables below.
D1.2 Requirements for Business Models and Collaboration Patterns in Supply Chains | |
D2.1 Platform Architecture Specification and Component Design | |
D2.2 Semantic Modelling of Manufacturing Collaboration Assets | |
D2.3 Design of an Open API for the NIMBLE Platform | |
D2.4 User Experience Design for Fast System Adoption | |
D3.1 Core Platform Infrastructure | |
D3.2 Catalogue Ingestion and Semantic Annotation | |
D3.3 Product and Service Search Engine and Search Mediator | |
D3.4 Supply Chain Negotiation Support | |
D4.1 NIMBLE Platform User Experience – Validation Methodology | |
D6.1 Security and Privacy Requirements | |
D6.2 Design and Implementation of Security and Privacy for Core Business Services | |
D6.4 Information Quality Management | |
D8.2 Dissemination and Communication Plan | |
D8.5 AMBASSADOR Programme for Early Adopters: Intermediate Report | |
D8.8 NIMBLE Platform SEED Programme: Manual and Materials Package | |
D8.10 NIMBLE Federated Platform Launch Manual | |
D8.11 Project Business Plan (Year 1) | |
D3.8 Tool for Collaboration Setup and Interoperability Testing | |
D4.2 Platform User Experience from Supplier's and Buyer’s Point of View | |
D4.3 Platform User Experience from Data Sharers’ and from Logistics Providers’ Points of View | |
D4.4 Platform User Experience - Platform Manager's Point of View | |
D4.5 NIMBLE Platform Evolvement – Recommendations, Requirements and Roadmap | |
D6.3 Trust and Reputation Management | |
D7.1 Value Proposition of NIMBLE | |
D8.9 Feasibility and Impact Assessment Toolkit | |
D8.12 Project Business Plan, (year 2) | |
D1.1 Requirements and Collaboration Design for Manufacturing and Logistics in Four European Use Cases | |
D3.5 Data channels | |
D3.7 User Front-End Prototype | |
D8.1 Nimble Website | |
D9.1 Six-Monthly Action Plan (month 1-6) | |
D9.2 Six-Monthly Action Plan (month 7-12) | |
D9.10 Quality Assurance Plan | |
D5.5 Business Process Templates and Accelerators | |
D7.2 Value Proposition of NIMBLE for the Eco Houses Supply Chain | |
D7.3 Value Proposition of NIMBLE for the Textile Manufacturing Supply Chain | |
D8.13 Final Project Business Plan | |
D5.1 Advanced Platform Infrastructure |