Released 28 November 2019
New Features
Front-End Service
- Shopping car functionality
- Ability to associate products with properties of existing products
- Unshipped Order tab in dashboard
- Collaboration tab for textile UC in dashboard
- IoT-Blockchain API
- Multilinguality support for company settings
- User roles added to profile page
Business Process Service
- REST service to create an Invoice for the order
- REST service to delete a frame contract
- REST service to get fulfilment statistics for an order
- REST API for the shopping cart
Catalogue Service
- Created RoleConfig class to store required roles for services
Bug fixes & Improvements
Front-End Service
- Improved transition between BPs
- Improved track-and-trace and QualiExplore functionality
- Extended and fixed analytics
- Extended and updated translations
- Moved language configurations to environment files
Business Process Service
- Extended business process roles with INITIAL_REPRESENTATIVE role
- Reimplemented the method, which sends email to trading partners when the collaboration status is updated, to have correct email content
- Adapted contract generation to handle multiple delivery dates and multiple products in a negotiation
- Added new test cases
- Skipped expired ones while getting all digital agreements for a party
- Modified some statistical services such as the one returning average collaboration time for platform and the one returning the average response time for platform
Catalogue Service
- Checked party id matching while retrieving line ids for a company
- Made sort option parameter optional for getCatalogueLinesByHjids service
Identity Service
- User federation improvements for eFactory
Indexing Service
- Eureka client updates
- Simple-search API for eFactory
Data Aggregation Service
- Extended analytics endpoints