Released 04 February 2019
New features
- Front-End Service
- Default ontology configuration including separate tabs and filters in category search
- Company rejection and data change capabilities in platform management
- VAT validation and data retrieval
- Defined country selection based on fixed dataset
- Configurable Terms of Service documents
- Color code tooltip in dashboard welcome tab
- Catalogue Service
- Added resource ownership mechanism
- Business Process Service
- Added resource ownership mechanism
- Identity Service
- Endpoint for verified companies
- Flag for including user roles in responses
Bugfixes / Improvements
- Front-End Service
- Full price breakdown during negotiation
- Return to previously used dashboard tab after completing a business process step
- Improved category tree navigation including breadcrumbs
- Ontology-independent usage of parent categories on search landing page
- Automatic re-parsing of malformed website links
- Catalogue Service
- Improved Swagger documentation and provided a detailed external documentation
- All REST endpoints are expecting a token
- Business Process Service
- Improved Swagger documentation and provided a detailed external documentation
- All REST endpoints are expecting a token
- Identity Service
- Fixed authentication error during company registration
- Homogenous endpoits for managing company settings
- Databases / Infrastructure
- Optimized database connection pool settings