The LDIC 2020 event (Bremen 12th-14th February 2020) has been the opportunity for the project partners to meet with representatives of the Academic and Industry sectors in the area of Supply Chain Management and Logistics.
During the second day of the event, NIMBLE arranged a dedicated satellite event where relevant project results have been presented. The session started with a talk from Alessio Gugliotta from INNOVA (on behalf of Oliver Jung) that made an overview of project goals and achievements accompanied by a short platform walkthrough of the core functionalities. Then, Benny Mandler from IBM explored a permissioned blockchain, including the benefits this technology can bring to supply chain scenarios as demonstrated in a couple of use cases. At the end of the morning session, Stefan Wellsandt from University of Bremen and Lars Oscarsson from Lindbacks explained the background of the EcoHouse case and why product tracking and tracing is relevant for it, followed by the presentation of a small demonstrator that uses RFID to monitor the production progress and the environmental conditions of bathroom units.
The afternoon session started with the speech of Diana Chroneer from LTU, who explained lessons learned when designing and accelerating a logistics B2B-platform. Last but not least, Juan Del Agua Navarro from AIDIMME, introduced the Furniture Manufacturing Platform and showcased how logistic companies can join FMP, describe their services and can start to make business, thanks to the NIMBLE capabilities that has been included for a proper furniture supply chain management jointly with logistics.
Here are some images from the event: