On 18th February 2020, NIMBLE participated in a workshop about regional, national and EU financial possibilities in Valencia, Spain: “OPORTUNIDADES DE FINANCIACIÓN PÚBLICA: INCENTIVOS NACIONALES A LA I+D+I Y NUEVO PROGRAMA MARCO HORIZON EUROPE (2021-2027).” (Public financing opportunities: national incentives and the new Horizon Europe framework program (2021-2027))
The scope of the workshop was to provide industrial companies with relevant information on different research and innovation programs, both national and European, that support the realization of R&D projects, or innovation projects; providing as well information on the related tax deductions and show some examples of projects carried out in different calls for these programs.

The opening was made by Mr. Mariano Pérez – AIDIMME’s director, followed with the explanation of some possibilities for funded projects at regional level (IVACE 2020) by Mr. Javier Mínguez – Head of Business and Associations Area of IVACE and the explanation of their support for the national and international R&D projects in Spanish by Mrs. Maria José Tomás from the Department of Institutional Promotion and Territorial Cooperation of The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)

After the opening sessions, Euro-funding, with extensive experience in the search for European funding offering strategic consulting services to companies, was speaking about the new framework of Horizon Europe (2021-2027) and tax incentives for R&D&I projects.
NIMBLE was one of the EU projects to be explained to the companies who are early adopters in our Furniture Manufacturing Platform (FMP) instance a follow-up.