NIMBLE held the second project consortium meeting in Valencia (Spain) in April 2017.

From April 5th to 7th, 2017, the NIMBLE team gathered at the premises of AIDIMME in the technology park in Valencia (Spain) for the second project consortium meeting. Maria José Nuñez and her team from AIDIMME had set up a perfect environment for almost 40 “NIMBLErs” reporting about their achievements, elaborating and discussing the core topics of the next project phase. In parallel to the consortium meeting NIMBLE also held the “General Assembly” meeting.
After six months of efforts in requirements analysis and technical design, one major goal of the consortium meeting was creating a common understanding of what the technological partners are offering in terms of platform technology and system functionality and what the use case partners are demanding from their business perspectives. Besides the user and system requirements, we were also considering platform requirements and risks: This type of requirements includes general features with respect to the platform economics. An example of such a platform requirement is the ability of the platform to bring firms together that previously haven’t been connected or doing business with each other.

A session was dedicated to presenting and discussion issues of platform governance, policies, guidelines and security requirements for the operation of the NIMBLE platform. In the discussion about the progress in the AMBASSADOR program (dedicated efforts to involve early adopters and setup a core community of NIMBLE platform users), we decided to hold a first NIMBLE workshop at Lindbäcks in Sweden in early June.
What made the Valencia meeting so pleasant and memorable apart from all the thematic issues and fruitful discussions, was the mixture of relaxation and excitement offered by the vibrating city of Valencia with its contrast between modern and historic buildings, with the Mediterranean beaches, gardens and parks as well as the excellent offer of typical Valencian dishes. Especially during the social dinner on April 5th, we encountered a great variety of traditional food such as the “Paella Valenciana”, to mention just one.